Cranes wintering area Shortepa district, Balkh-Afghanistan
Cranes roosting site, Band-e-Amir National Park, Bamyan-Afghanistan
Craens and other migratory species rossting and feeding site, Abi-e-Istada, Ghazni-Afghanistan
Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught, will we realize that we cannot eat money?
Craens and other migratory species rossting and feeding site, Abi-e-Istada, Ghazni-Afghanistan
firing of wildlife habitat
Uzbekistan border keepers and soldiers have been firing the reed beds and shrubs that covered hundreds hectare of wetlands around Amudarya River, the Eurasian Crane wintering ground, and in therefore many birds and boars dodged and left the area.
In 2008 with the support of ICF and George Archibald, a team of SEA conducted the 4th phase of cranes conservation and education program in northern Afghanistan. The team visited Joi Wakil in Shurtepa District in the Amudarya River basin to survey wintering grounds of the Eurasian Crane (which also considered as potential Siberian Crane wintering sites) and wetlands around villages of Sayad and Bagarm that are main migration stopovers for Eurasian Cranes.
Joi Wakil Village in Shurtepa District in Alike Balkh province, areas around Amu River, are considered as cranes and other waterfowls main roosting and feeding sites. This area is vast wetlands extensively covered by reeds. It is common habitats for Boars, Jackals and the birds such Eurasian Cranes, Pelicans , Herons , Egrets , Storks, Pheasants, Houbara , Gryleg Goose , and good number of ducks and other waterfowls . We observed hundreds of cranes in the northern site of Amu Darya in Uzbekistan territory, but it is known that number of cranes is comparatively decreased. The year 2008 has been critical for many migratory species especially in the Central Asian flyway. Thousands of birds were died naturally because of low temperature and freezing climate and thousands of others were hunted by people. People intervention to roosting and habitat areas, using of different drugs for hunting and low temperature are the factors that resulted of large loss species. Heavy snowfall has also been factors that left pressure on wild predators struggle for food and living. The dead bodies, bones and feathers were evident around Amudarya River basins and this critical issue were seen everywhere in the areas. At the mean time, thousand of local people trapped the birds who’s been lost their flying ability. One of the examples of critical trapping of birds were in many visited villages. Chimtal district has been another area that thousands of migratory birds including cranes were trapped by shooting and hands. The communities here were witness of ringed birds. Following the study areas and the correspondence made during the expedition, the team found it valuable to make quick observation of the areas where cranes and other birds died because of harsh winter and freezing climate.