Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fire in the Eurasian Crane wintering site in border of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan

On 12 December 2008, Mr. Gull Muhammad SEA researcher, resident of Shurtepa District, northern Afghanistan, reported that hundreds of cranes and other migratory birds kept in the wetlands around Surpeta and Jui Wakil Villages and many people who live in close with the mentioned villages could not sleep normally especially around mornings times, because the birds produced the high decibel of noises. This issue persuades local people for hunting and destruct the cranes habitat.

firing of wildlife habitat

Uzbekistan border keepers and soldiers have been firing the reed beds and shrubs that covered hundreds hectare of wetlands around Amudarya River, the Eurasian Crane wintering ground, and in therefore many birds and boars dodged and left the area.

Thousands of waterfowl have been rossting and feeding around the wetlands of Amu Darya river

For more information:
Qais Agah

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