Sunday, April 25, 2010


The map indicates cranes migration cottidor,wintering and roosting sites in Afghanistan

Wintering area of cranes, Shortepa district, Balkh province Afghanisatn
Cranes wintering area Shortepa district, Balkh-Afghanistan

Cranes roosting site, Band-e-Amir National Park, Bamyan-Afghanistan

Waterfowl breeding and cranes feeding site, Dasht-e-Nawar,Ghazni-Afghanistan

Craens and other migratory species rossting and feeding site, Abi-e-Istada, Ghazni-Afghanistan

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Seminar on cranes and wildlife in northern Afghanistan

Venue: Balkh University/Faculty of Agriculture
May 24-25
Following SEA conservation education programs in northern Afghanistan and the continual phases of public awareness and conservation and cranes education program, we organized two days seminar for Balkh university students and professors on 24-25 May 2008 with around 150 participants from different departments of Balkh governmental authorities, PRT, university including faculty of Agriculture. The main objective of the seminar was to increase the student’s and university staffs awareness and to attract their views on the cranes and other wildlife conservation. Most of the topics were integrated issues of modern, traditional and religious conservation aspects with the opinion that birds and wildlife is God creatures and any adverse effects them are prohibited.

The seminar consisted of two stages; 1) to present an overview of general aspects of Afghanistan's ecological areas, migratory birds, cranes and existed wildlife and; 2) interaction session with the participant’s views on the conservation of cranes and other wildlife in the area. The interaction session highlighted many important issues including their interest in conservation and dissemination of information among the local communities. Main topics of the seminar consisted the followings:
  • Introduction of world and Afghanistan cranes.
  • Introduction of cranes habitat and migration corridors in Afghanistan.
  • Comparing the status of cranes conservation in other countries and the strategy of birds’ protection in Afghanistan and the mandate of those organizations that dedicated to birds and cranes conservation.
  • A presentation public awareness program that has been conducted in Afghanistan especially in the corridor of migratory species.
Interaction sessionQuestions and answers from and by the participants. This session contained the followings:
  1. Why conserve wildlife?
  2. How can conserve the wildlife in the country?
  3. How can stop hunting?
  4. Where to stop treats to wildlife?
  5. When it should happen?
  6. How can implement our objective in the areas?
  7. How can go a head with the future programs?
  8. Who can be volunteer to join the efforts?

Feedback of the participants:
· Wildlife is part of nature and we should not damage the nature because it’s the food chain and we live in it.
· God created the wildlife and ordered us to use and protect and this is our responsibility to conserve God creatures.
· Disappearing of wildlife in nature means end of our life and we all live in nature and benefit of the food chain.
· Lack of public awareness is the main threat and we must increase public awareness.
· The continuation of Education programs through different channels including visual Medias, informative and education materials to those has access to it.
· Organize conservation seminars for government authorities.
· Develop and finalize hunting laws
· Alternative programs that can support communities and reduce the pressure
· Work with local people to prevent hunting and we must bring different examples from other countries where is not hunting and the values of wildlife in those countries.

Commitment of participant in return
All participants committed to transfer the messages to the areas where they live and to work on the issues that they interacted during the two days seminar. Most of the participants showed their interest to join us and help us when we conduct the survey and conservation education programs in their villages.

Education materials
Various informative materials that have been developed by SEA, ICF and WCS were distributed to the participants and other local people in the area. At the meantime, we would like to extend our thanks to WCS and Kara Steven for her efforts in providing posters and wildlife broachers for the seminar. We are committed to continue the efforts and conserve the area for a safe migration.

Qais Agah
Environmental education technical advisor
Wildlife conservationist

Fire in the Eurasian Crane wintering site in border of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan

On 12 December 2008, Mr. Gull Muhammad SEA researcher, resident of Shurtepa District, northern Afghanistan, reported that hundreds of cranes and other migratory birds kept in the wetlands around Surpeta and Jui Wakil Villages and many people who live in close with the mentioned villages could not sleep normally especially around mornings times, because the birds produced the high decibel of noises. This issue persuades local people for hunting and destruct the cranes habitat.

firing of wildlife habitat

Uzbekistan border keepers and soldiers have been firing the reed beds and shrubs that covered hundreds hectare of wetlands around Amudarya River, the Eurasian Crane wintering ground, and in therefore many birds and boars dodged and left the area.

Thousands of waterfowl have been rossting and feeding around the wetlands of Amu Darya river

For more information:
Qais Agah

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Crane Conservation and Education Programme in Northern Afghanistan

The map shows cranes migratory corridor in Balkh Province (yellow colour indicate cranes corridor, green color shows wintering site and red color is the researching area)

In terms of conservation of migratory birds and migration corridor in Afghanistan, it has been cleared that high percentage of population including government official are yet to be unaware of the values of the birds and wildlife in nature. In this end, conservation and education activity has been as instrument that can reach to every single individuals and groups in many areas, if it is on permanent and continuous efforts.

Cranes wintering area

Therefore “Save Environmental of Afghanistan” (SEA) developed Crane Conservation and Education Program with the following goals:
  • Study cranes wintering grounds and migration routes; determine threats.
  • Provide education activity in related areas through interviews and briefing to government official, local communities and leaders to ban hunting habitats destruction

  • Provide conservation and education activity through distribution and explanatory methods to local people in mosques, clinics, markets and community gathering areas

In 2008 with the support of ICF and George Archibald, a team of SEA conducted the 4th phase of cranes conservation and education program in northern Afghanistan. The team visited Joi Wakil in Shurtepa District in the Amudarya River basin to survey wintering grounds of the Eurasian Crane (which also considered as potential Siberian Crane wintering sites) and wetlands around villages of Sayad and Bagarm that are main migration stopovers for Eurasian Cranes.
Joi Wakil Village in Shurtepa District in Alike Balkh province, areas around Amu River, are considered as cranes and other waterfowls main roosting and feeding sites. This area is vast wetlands extensively covered by reeds. It is common habitats for Boars, Jackals and the birds such Eurasian Cranes, Pelicans , Herons , Egrets , Storks, Pheasants, Houbara , Gryleg Goose , and good number of ducks and other waterfowls . We observed hundreds of cranes in the northern site of Amu Darya in Uzbekistan territory, but it is known that number of cranes is comparatively decreased. The year 2008 has been critical for many migratory species especially in the Central Asian flyway. Thousands of birds were died naturally because of low temperature and freezing climate and thousands of others were hunted by people. People intervention to roosting and habitat areas, using of different drugs for hunting and low temperature are the factors that resulted of large loss species. Heavy snowfall has also been factors that left pressure on wild predators struggle for food and living. The dead bodies, bones and feathers were evident around Amudarya River basins and this critical issue were seen everywhere in the areas. At the mean time, thousand of local people trapped the birds who’s been lost their flying ability. One of the examples of critical trapping of birds were in many visited villages. Chimtal district has been another area that thousands of migratory birds including cranes were trapped by shooting and hands. The communities here were witness of ringed birds. Following the study areas and the correspondence made during the expedition, the team found it valuable to make quick observation of the areas where cranes and other birds died because of harsh winter and freezing climate.

Thousands of species have been dead because of harsh cold weather

Thousands of migratory species were spread from Amu darya basin into different areas. Correspondence shows that cranes scattered in different areas in Balkh, Jawzjan, Saripul , Samangan , Bamyan , Kunduz and central and southern part of the country. The community here indicates that during the winter they have seen those species that were not common before. Many of them were not identified locally. The inputs of conservation team were substantial in making the community aware of the values of birds and the hunting backdrop.

The wetlands around villages of Sayad and Bagarm, crane migration stopovers, were visited in early morning of 15th and 19th of March 2008. We found there hundreds of Eurasian and Demoiselle cranes in the wetlands around Shotol and Panjsher Rivers. Team observation indicates that the serious problems of disturbance and hunting of species happens during official holidays and other occasions when people visit the area for picnic and swimming. In order to mitigate the pressure and safe the area for cranes, a strong education program is needed.

Beside studies of wintering ground and migration stopovers and meeting with officials at the local government level, conservation education has been the main part of the expedition. Education programs were undertaken in different villages, clinics, mosques, schools and community gathering areas, and thousands of conservation education materials (booklet, brochures pamphlet and posters) were distributed to the local people.

There is one central clinic in the Shurtepa district center which is used by many of the villagers. This clinic has been constructed and equipped by the government through funding from international community. The team brief Dr. Feroz and Ahmad Shah (designated by the government) and requested them to support the conservation education program by advising patients who visit the clinic from different villages. Dr. Ahmad Shah ensures that many patients from different villages used to trap and hunt cranes to be sold for treatment and medicines in the clinic. The publication developed by SEA was distributed and explained in the clinic to the staffs and the visitors. Some charts were placed on information board in the clinic. The medical staffs in the clinic committed to explain and advice to the visitors through is will in information given to the boards’ charts.

The next sites were Joi Wakil School, mosques, local bazaar, clinic and community gathering. The clinic staffs indicate that the posters and informative materials provided to team during 2007 has been efficient and many visitors ask for explanations and has left positive impacts on the behaviors of people pertaining to conservation of cranes.

Health care training course is another venue that possibly convoys the massage to everyone in the villages. This training course has been organized by the government to train students in first aid services. The organizers provided an opportunity to the team to brief and educate participants on the values of cranes, habitat as well the problem of cranes decline. The participants requested additional posters and educational materials to be explained in their different villages.

One hour teachers training in Joi Wakil High school were also conducted. The participants of the training session were the teachers from different villages. They are the most influential literate segment in the villages that can convey conservation massages to everyone and school students. Their commitment to brief the students on the status of cranes and other wildlife in each teaching hours.

Afghanistan has been special case for conservation of migratory species and safe flyways. High percentages of population think that bird spices something for food and games. Considering that, it is recommended”

1. continual studies in migration routs
2. provide strong and permanent education programs, using the input of experienced researchers who has been involved in the last couple of years. Use of printed publications, religious scholars, teachers.
3. Use students and tribal leaders are possible tools to reach success.
4. Ratification of convention of migratory species by the government which has not been officially ratified
5. Organize national seminars in cities adjacent to migration routes and Amurdarya River Basin.
6. During 2007, the government rebuilt the only high school in Shurtepa District. Mr. Chri Bay (principle) requested support to furnish the school with education facilities. This can be ideal center for conservation of cranes and other species in the area.

For more information:
Qais Agah

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Wildlife conservation education and Cranes researching programs were conducted in northern Afghanisatn by Save Environment-Afghanistan SEA

Thousand of migratory species have been passing the migration corridor through Afghanistan, when these species roosting for feeding and drinking in wetlands and marshland around country most of them have been traping and hunting by local people.
Wildlife conservation education materials were distributed to local people near to Amu Darya Reiver where thousands of cranes have been hunting by local people each year.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

تعلیمات محیط زیستی و پروسه گنجانیدن موضوعات و مفاهیم محیط زیستی در نصاب تعلیمی مکاتب و پوهنتون های کشور

تعلیمات محیط زیستی یک پروسۀ شناسائی ارزشها و توضیح مفاهیم به منظور رشد مهارتها و طرح وسایل مورد نیاز جهت دانستن روابط میان انسان، فرهنگ و محیط زیست فزیکی و بیالوژیکی میباشد. تعلیمات محیط زیستی یک دورنمای کلی را بوجود میآورد، تعلیمات محیط زیستی این حقیقت را بر ملا میسازد که محیط زیست طبیعی و محیط زیست ساخت انسان باهم ارتباط تنگاتنگ دارد. تعلیمات محیط زیستی باید محیط زیست را در کل در نظر گرفته و باید یک روند مادام العمری متداوم را که از از مرحله قبل از مکتب آغاز و در تمامی مراحل تعلیم و تربیه و تحصیلات عالی را تحت پوشش قرار میدهد. تعلیم و تربیه محیط زیستی باید تمامی موضوعات و مفردات عمدۀ محیط زیستی را از نقطه نظرات سطح قریه ها، ولسوالی ها، ولایات و مرکز به بحث گیرد. در تعلیم و تربیه محیط زیستی باید شیوه های مختلف آموزشی استفاده گردیده تا مردم در مورد کلیه ابعاد محیط زیستی بیاموزند و بیاموزانند.تعلیمات محیطی یکی از مسائل و ابتکارات جدید درافغانستان میباشد و در فصل هفتم؛ ماده شصت و پنجم فقره سوم قانون محیط زیست که در سال 1385 نافذ گردیده است در مورد چنین مینگارد:
اداره ملی حفاظت محیط زیست مکلف است به منظور آگاهی عامه، تبلیغات، و تعلیمات مبنی برارزش منابع طبیعی، ضرورت استفاده دوامدار و تحفظ آنها، تأثیرات آن بالای صحت انسان و محیط زیست به شمول جلوگیری، کنترول آلودگی و شیوه های بهبود آن با وزارت ها و ادارات ذیربط مرکزی و محلی بطور همآهنگ کارنماید.همچنان ماده شصت پنجم این قانون محیط زیست در مشوره و همکاری با وزارت ها وادارات ذیربط و مراجع علمی و تخصصی در موارد ذیل تشریک مساعی مینماید.
· شامل ساختن مضامین تنظیم وحفاظت منابع طبیعی، بهبود سلامت محیط زیست، جلوگیری ازآلودگی، درنصاب تعلیمی مکاتب وپوهنتونها
· طرح و تهیه پروگرام های تربیوی برای کارکنان فنی و مسلکی منابع طبیعی و رشته های علوم طبیعی و اجتماعی، بانظرداشت اولویت نیازمندی های مندرج برنامه ملی تنوع حیات و برنامه عمل مطابق حکم مادهء سی و نهم این قانون.
· طرح پروگرامهای تربیوی برای کارکنان فنی و مسلکی درچهارچوب مضامین حفاظت محیط زیست و رشته های علوم طبیعی و اجتماعی
· طرح و تطبیق برنامه های آموزشی و آگاهی جهت تطبیق احکام این قانون، مقررات و طرزالعمل های مربوط به آن.
بادرنظرداشت احکام فوق، تعلیمات محیطی و آگاهی عامه درین بخش خصوصأ در شرایط احیای مجدد و انکشاف یک امرضروری است. این پروگرام مفکوره ها و فعالیت های خاص را برای واحد های مختلف محیط زیست به شمول نوعیت آب، آلودگی هوا، حفظ الصحه، حفظ الصحه شخصی و اجتماعی، فرش نباتی، احیای مجدد جنگلات، عناصر عضوی و بی ثبات، و بسیاری موضوعات دیگرمورد علاقه ضرورت دارد. روی این ملحوظ، طرح و پروگرام های تعلیمات محیطی و آگاهی عامه که مسائل مورد ضرورت برای تدویر سمینار ها، ورکشاپ ها، و کمپاین های آموزشی درسطح مرکزی و محلی را دربردارد یکی از اولویت هامیباشد. علاوه برآن، تعلیمات محیطی و آگاهی عامه یکی از مسائل کلیدی دربسیج ساختن و اتحاد مردم ازطریق علمای دینی، مبلغین و کارکنان اجتماعی در قسمت ترکیب مسائل دینی، اجتماعی، و عنعنوی در مواد و پروگرام های تعلیمات محیطی، تدریس جلوگیری از آلودگی و مفاهیم حفظ الصحوی درساحات شهری و دهاتی میتواند درامرساختار و تأمین صلح نیز کمک همه جانبه مینماید.
بصورت عموم تعلیمات محیط زیستی بدودسته عمده ذیل طبقه بندی میگردد:
1. سیستم رسمی تعلیمات محیط زیستی
2. سیستم غیر رسمی تعلیمات محیط زیستی

سیستم رسمی و غیر رسمی تعلیمات محیطی به بخش های مهم ذیل تقسیم میگردد.
1. سیستم رسمی تعلیمات محیط زیست
· تعلیمات محیط زیستی درسیستم نصاب تعلیمی مکاتب
· تعلیمات محیط زیستی درسیستم نصاب تعلیمی پوهنتونها
· تعلیمات محیط زیستی درسیستم نصاب تعلیمی نهاد های خصوصی
2. سیستم غیر رسمی تعلیمات محیط زیستی
· پروگرام ها و کمپاین های های تعلیمات محیط زیستی و آگاهی عامه به سطح ملی
· تدویر ورکشاپ ها، سیمینارها، کورس های کوتاه مدت آموزشی و کنفرانس های محیط زیستی
· ترویج فرهنگ محیط ریستی و تنویر اذهان هامه از طریق رسانه های اطلاعات جمعی که شامل رادیو تلویزیون، اوراق تبلیغاتی، بروشور، ماهنامه ها، مجله ها، پوستر ها و کتاب های محیط زیستی
خوشبختانه اداره ملی حفاظت محیط زیست به همکاری سازمان های ملی و بین المللی خصوصآ پروژه تنوع حیات برای اداره ملی حفاظت محیط زیستBSP/NEPA-USAID پروگرام های وسیع تعلیمات محیط زیستی و آگاهی عامه را از بدوتاسیس تا حال تحت اجراء قرار داده است.
ماده 65 قانون محیط زیست حکم مینماید که موسسات تحصیلات عالی ومکاتب در نصاب تعلیمی خویش موضوعات ومضامین محیط زیستی را بگنجانند، بدینوسیله اداره ملی حفاظت محیط زیست به اساس ماده فوق قانون محیط زیست واستراتیژی ملی محیط زیستی در قسمت گنجانیدن مضامین و موضوعات محیط زیستی با وزارت های محترم معارف و تحصیلات همکاری نموده که گزارش از این فعالیت ها در جملات ذیل خلاصه میگردد.

در بخش وزارت محترم تحصيلات عالي و مسلکی

· موضوعات و مفردات مهم محيط زيستي چون بيوسفير،ايكالوژي، ايكوسيستم ، آلوده گي هوا، دوران مواد در طبيعت، منابع آلودگي آب و هوا، منابع طبيعي، منابع مصنوعي ،كثافات و غيره موضوعات و مفاهيم در ديپارتمنت هاي استخراج معادن، مواد مفيده جامد پوهنحي جيولوجي، پوهنتون پولي تخنيك و ديپارتمنتهاي ساختمان هاي صنعتي و مدني، مهندسي و سركسازي پوهنځي ساختماني تدريس ميگردد. همچنان در چوكات پوهنحي ساختماني پوهنتون پولي تخنيك ديپارتمنت آبرساني ، انجنيري و محيط زيست نيز موضوعات محيط زيستي تدريس ميگردد.
· موضوعات محیطی زیستی در نصاب تعلیمی بعضی از فاکولته های پوهنتون کابل گنجانیده شده است که شامل پوهنځی زراعت، تعلیم وتربیه، وترنری، ساینس وعلوم اجتماعی میباشد و فعلآ فاکولته های متذکره مضمون محیط زیست را منحیث مضمون مستقل در صنف ها تدریس مینمایند همچنان بعضی ازموضوعات محیط زیستی در پوهنتون طب کابل نیز تدریس میگردد.
· پوهنځی ادبیات پوهنتون بلخ مضمون محیط زیست را در نصاب تعلیمی خویش گنجانیده است که فعلآ تدریس میگردد.
· دیپارتمنت بیالوژی ریاست انستیتوت ولایت پروان مضمون را بنام حفظ محیط زیست در نصاب تعلیمی خود گنجایده است و عملآ تدریس میگردد.
· پوهنځی زراعت پوهنتون هرات مضمون تحت عنوان (ضرورت حفظ محیط زیست) را در نصاب درسی صنوف سوم شامل نموده است و تدریس آن ادامه دارد.
· در پوهنځی طب پوهنتون هرات مضمون بنام صحت محیطی که البته تمام موضوعات محیط زیستی در آن گنجانیده است.
· در پوهنځی حقوق پوهنتون هرات مضمون تحت عنوان حقوق محیط زیست در نصاب درسی خویش در بخش مضامین اختیاری اضافه نموده است و در سمستر دوم این مضمون تدریس میگردد.
· در پوهنځی ساینس پوهنتون هرات در دیپارتمنت های کیمیا و بیالوژی و دیپارتمنت ریاضی و فزیک برای یک سمستر مضمون تحت عنوان محیط زیست تدریس میگردد.
· همچنان در سایر پوهنځی های هرات موضوعات و مطالب مفید در پرتو ارشادات دین مقدس اسلام ،پیرامون محیط زیست به شمول مضمون ثقافت اسلامی تدریس میشود.
· علاوتآ به اساس پیشنهاد اداره ملی حفاظت محیط زیست، ديپارتمنت محيط زيست و حوادث طبیعی در چوكات پوهنځي زمين شناسي ايجاد گردید که دستاورد بزرگ در عرصه محیط زیست کشور محسوب میگردد.
در بخش وزارت محترم جلیله معارف

1. مفاهيم و مفردات محيط زيستي از صنف اول الي ششم مکاتب که قبلآ در نظر گرفته شده بود تاليف ودر تمام مكاتب كشور توزيع گرديده است.
2. به اساس ستراتيژي ملي محيط زيست، پلان عمل 4 ساله جهت گنجانیدن موضوعات و مفردات محیط زیستی از صنف 6-12 نصاب تعلیمی مکاتب کشور تهیه و از طرف وزارت محترم معارف منظور گردید که مطابق آن وزارت معارف مکلف است تا در 4 ساله آینده موضوعات محیط زیستی را در صنوف متذکره گنجانیده و ازتطبیق آن به اداره ملی حفاظت محیط زیست گزارش ارائیه بدارند.
3. به اساس پلان عمل که بین وزارت معارف و اداره ملی حفاظت محیط زیست در قسمت گنجانیدن موضوعات و مفاهیم محیط زیست در نصاب تعلیمی مکاتب کشور ساخته شده است. وزارت جلیله معارف در کتوب جدید که تالیف گردیده و جهت نظر خواهی به این اداره و ولایات کشور فرستاده شده بود نهایی گردیده و در آینده نزدیک طبع و نشر می گردد. در کتب جدید موضوعات و مفاهیم محیط زیست در مضامین علوم طبیعی (بیالوژی ، کیمیا)، علوم اجتماعی ( جغرافیه ، تاریخ )، علوم دینی (فقه حنفی و فقه جعفری) و لسان های اول (پشتو،دری) ولسان انگلیسی از صنوف 7 -9 گنجانیده شده است.
4. همچنان كتب صنف دهم، يازدهم و دوازدهم تحت كار قرار دارد كه موضوعات مهم محيط زيستي در آنها در نظر گرفته شده است.
5. علاوتآ مفاهيم و موضوعات محيط زيستي به لسان هاي (ازبكي ،پاميري ،و شغناني) از صنف اول الي نهم مکاتب نیزدرنظر گرفته شده است.
7. به اساس درخواست و پيشنهاد رياست انكشاف نصاب وتاليف كتب درسی وزارت معارف، بيشتر از هزارها رسالهاي محيط زيستي، كتاب هاي محيط زيستي، مجله ها، برورشور ها، پوستر ها و معلومات هاي محيط زيستي از موسسات مختلف موجود دركشور جمع آوري و به ديپارتمنت هاي مختلف رياست متذكره توزيع گرديده تا در تسریع بخشیدن پروسه گنجانیدن موضوعات محیط زیستی در نصاب تعلیمی کمک نماید.
8. همچنان تعداد زیادی ازكتاب هاي محيط زيستي، مجله ها، برورشورها، پوسترها و معلومات هاي محيط زيستي برای دیپارتمنت جدیدالتاسیس محیط زیست و مبارزه با حوادث طبیعی پوهنتون کابل توزیع گردیده و همکاری های تخنیکی در قسمت انکشاف کریکولم آن دیپارتمنت صورت خواهد گرفت.
9. تحکیم ارتباطات قوی و موثر بین اداره ملی حفاظت محیط زیست و ریاست تالیف و ترجمه وزارت معارف و پوهنتون های کشورجهت همکاری بیشتر درگنجانیدن موضوعات محیطی زیستی در نصاب تعلیمی مکاتب و پوهنتونها ادامه دارد.

پلان و پروگرام آینده بخش تعلیمات محیط زیستی

به اساس پیشنهادات پوهنتون کابل و پوهنتون بلخ، مفردات جامع و غنی محیط زیستی جهت گنجانیدن آن در نصاب تعلیمی پوهنتون ها توسط اداره ملی حفاظت محیط زیستی تهیه و ترتیب گردد. بنابرین در نظر است تا نیل به هدف فوق اجراات ذیل در آینده صورت گیرد:
1. تهیه و انکشاف طرح و مقدمه مفردات محیط زیستی برای پوهنتون های کشور
2. انکشاف همکاریها و اماهنگی با متخصصین ملی و بین المللی، استادان پوهنتونها و اکادمی علوم
3. تدویر ورکشاپ سه روزه جهت انکشاف مفردات محیط زیستی برای پوهنتون ها
4. تهیه و ارسال کتاب ها و مواد محیط زیستی به دیپارتمنت های ریاست انکشاف نصاب تعلیمی وزارت معارف و پوهنتون های کشور.
5. پروسه گنجانیدن مفردات محیط زیستی در نصاب تعلیمی صنوف 9 -12 مکاتب کشورباید تعقیب گردد.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Environmental Education

Environmental education is a process of recognizing values and clarifying concepts in order to develop skills and added tools necessary to understand and appreciate the inter-relationship among man, his culture and his biophysical surrounding. It creates an overall perspective, which acknowledges the fact that natural environment and man-made environment are interdependent. It should consider the environment in its totality and should be a continuous lifelong process beginning at the pre-school level and continuing through all stages. It should be inter-disciplinary and examine major environmental issues from local, national and international points of view. It should utilize various educational approaches to teach and learn about and from the environment with stress on practical activities and first-hand experience. It is through this process of education that people can be sensitized about the environmental issues.
Regarding chapter7, Article 65 of the Environmental law NEPA shall coordinate with relevant ministries, national authorities and national academic and technical institutions to incorporate the principles of natural recourses management and conservation and promotion of environmental health, including pollution prevention and control, into school and universities curricula.
• Incorporate principles of natural resource management and conservation and of promotion of human and environmental health into school and university curricula;
The incorporation of environmental principals was indicated in the Article No 65 of the Environmental law, and the National Environmental Protection Agency NEPA is responsible for the implementation of environmental law in the country. In this case NEPA by technical support of Biodiversity Supporting Program for National Environmental Protection Agency (BSP/NEPA) has been interacting in these efforts to assist and develop the environmental curriculum for universities and schools in the country.
To achieve the education related article of Environmental law, NEPA shall implement several schemes and programmes. Some of the major schemes can be important for environmental education and for creation of environmental awareness among the public.

Environmental education can be categorized as follow:

• Formal Environmental Education
• Non-Formal Environmental Education

The programmes under formal Environmental Education are:

• Environment Education in School System
• Environment Education in University system
• Environmental Appreciation Courses

The programmes under Non formal Environmental Education are:

Environmental Education, Awareness and Training plays a significant role in encouraging and enhancing people's participation in activities aimed at conservation, protection and management of the environment, essential for achieving sustainable development. NEPA, therefore, accords priority for the promotion of non-formal environment education and creation of awareness among all sections of the society through diverse activities using traditional and modern media of communication. Some of the major activities be take in this regard, are as follows:

• National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC)
- seminars , workshops, conferences and symposiums
- Mass awareness

• Mass media
- TVs, Radio, Printing publication and production of environmental education materials and etc

Environmental issues are the new phenomena in Afghanistan and exactly most of people didn’t hear about the environmental and its effects, and this is too important and much necessary that the environmental principals should be incorporated into universities and schools curriculum systems and in this way many students will understand and recognize the environmental principals. In other hand in Afghanistan are not any courses on environmental sciences at present in the formal system and there are no structured courses available outside the formal system for people who desire to learn about environmental issues. So a comprehensive and efficient curriculum be developed that conform to the curriculums of different faculties and related departments in formal system of Afghanistan.
In this cause BSP/NEPA team were taking the responsibility to develop the scientific draft for a comprehensive environmental principals and be the portion of universities curriculum. The draft is including the environmental principals in the hierarchy system and will be categorized in different parts.
Environmental education generally refers to curriculum and programs which aim to teach people about the natural world and particularly about ways in which ecosystems work.
Environmental education programs often aim to change people's perceptions about the value of the natural world and to teach how to change environmental behaviors, such as getting people to recycle or how to build eco-friendly dwellings.
What are the goals of Environmental Education?
Environmental education programs often aim to:

• Help students develop factual knowledge about the natural environment, particularly with regard to how ecosystems work and human impacts on the natural environment;
• Foster more positive perceptions about the value of the natural world;
• Develop eco-friendly habits, such as getting people to recycle and to produce less waste
• Engage students in environmental rejuvenation projects and action
• Develop students' psychological and spiritual relationship with nature